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for Legacy Infrastructures

SmartRoom Network FUSION

Ready for the SmartRoom? The answer is YES.
99% of all hotels have wiring that was not designed to function as
an infrastructure for "SmartRoom" features. You want SmartRoom
capabilities in your hotel now but your property...

  • Has legacy phone wiring that you are not yet ready to upgrade
  • Has an aesthetic or historic charm that rewiring would ruin
  • Is waiting for a good smart room entry point that makes sense.

If your situation is similar to any of the above, you now have an option to enter the SmartRoom race and stay competitive in an ever-tightening marketplace. IntraLAN SmartRoom Network FUSION by Panoptic Technology was developed to 'fuse' older phone (cat3) infrastructure with the right tools solution to build a "SmartRoom Network." This core infrastructure creates an open architecture to support more and more SmartRoom devices and applications today.

A Smart and Lasting Investment.
Invest in SmartRoom technology that adapts to your infrastructure now AND in the future. If you install IntraLAN SmartRoom FUSION today but plan to rewire your property from cat3 to fiber optics in a couple of years, FUSION will work with your new infrastructure– even better. FUSION’s open architecture enables your migration path and builds on your initial investment. Components and vendors that are fielded under any SRN will work with future upgrades to the network.

Lower Maintenance Costs.
Maintenance of IntraLAN SmartRoom FUSION is dramatically less. Because of FUSION’s unique design, the maintenance on the SmartRoom Network can be done with the existing hotel staff. Replacing cards and components can be accomplished with non-technical staff. Stop paying for costly technicians to come to your facility

Also, our modular approach allows the module replacement of components. If one part of a box fails, you just replace that component- NOT THE WHOLE BOX. If a PORT on the VDSL Concentrator fails, a $2,800 device, the entire device does not have to be replaced. Instead, only the card that failed is replaced, for less than $200. FUSION can isolate all the common failure points to allow them to be maintained with more cost efficiency

The typical FUSION configuration includes:

Voice/VDSL Concentrator (V2C) to integrate internet data onto existing voice service. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Power Supply Unit (PSU) monitors, injects and controls power over 2 pairs of phone cable to each individual guest room.  CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Remote Network Device (RND) securely houses modems, switches, power distribution, phone and Ethernet jacks as well as many other optional interfaces and devices in the guest room. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Installing FUSION is Fast, Easy and Affordable.

  1. Start with your existing phone wiring
  2. Retrofit IntraLAN technology consisting of:
    • IntraLAN Voice/VDSL Concentrator for data throughput
    • IntraLAN Power Supply Unit for power management
    • IntraLAN Remote Network Device for connecting "SmartRoom" features
  3. Add "SmartRoom" services with plug-n-play ease

Only 10–20 minutes of room downtime to install each room’s Remote Network Device!

Enhance Your Revenue and Guest Experience.
Benefits of the IntraLAN SmartRoom Network FUSION include:

  • Lower smart room migration cost
  • Enhances marketable appeal of property
  • Uses existing wiring to each guest room
  • Controls multiple in-room network and non-network devices
  • Retrofits quickly and easily for integration of new revenue generating services
  • Installed by phone system integrator in only 10-20 minutes a room
  • Advanced 'watch-dog' monitoring and resetting for reduced service outages
  • Provides an upgrade platform for higher speeds and additional future options
  • Networked system allows centralized monitoring and control of in-room devices

Smart Design for Superior System Deployment and Maintenance Efficiency.
The IntraLAN SmartRoom system is specifically designed to be MODULAR at every level of the architecture. Within the major system components the design purposely splits the Voice/VDSL Concentrator functionality from the Power Supply Unit. This modularity serves the customer in many aspects. The most obvious is the "break/fix" function. As an example, if the a Power Supply Unit is affected by lightning, having it separated from the functionality of the V2C dramatically reduces the cost. The typical V2C is about three times the cost of the PSU. The modular design concepts are repeated throughout the system, for example the V2C (as presented in the description of the V2C) each room is supported by an individual circuit board, therefore if you lose a port (guestroom connection) you do not replace the expensive V2C but the individual module. Another area of the modular design is in the Remote Network Device, which is found in the guestroom. The RND is, in reality, an enclosure that houses several key devices. The design would have been greatly simplified to build a "closed" device, but the modular solution allows for each individual component to be replaced, on site, by site personnel.

Beyond the advantage of cost efficient maintenance is an objective of the modular approach to the SmartRoom Network. The modular design provides a great deal of flexibility in the method of deployment. By splitting the functionality of the V2C from the PSU, separating network function from power management, the solution allows for the placement of the V2C (a more expensive and environmentally sensitive device) inside a secure phone room often with better power conditioning which may be located thousands of feet from the guest room. While the PSU, which is a simpler component and less sensitive to heat, and because of limits to the distance the power can travel and the availability of the fully populated Cat3 wiring to the room is most often required to be a phone closet closer to the guest room. Therefore, our "Smart Design" allows the protection of the equipment, the matching of the target environment, and potentially significant cost savings in maintenance. In similar products the competitor designs integrate these two functions into one that end up in less secure phone closets with little or no environmental controls and low-end power conditioning.

Contact us to unlock the SmartRoom today - without rewiring!

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We have a Smart Room solution that fits your hotel wiring:
Click on the link below that matches your hotel property's situation:
• Legacy CAT3 Phone infrastructure?
• High speed CAT5 infrastructure?
• Fiber Optics infrasturcture?